

前言:先给大家科普一个小知识哦,MA(Master of Art)文学硕士,为期1-2年。作为一个正式的学位,文学硕士通常是授予在人文科学方面的研究者。申请人需要在综合大学学习至少8个学期的时间,并通过论文和毕业考试后,才能获得该学位。


  一、文学硕士入学要求MA Entrance Requirements

Candidates are selected for places entirely on merit and applications are welcomed from all over the world.For the majority of programmes the first part of the Entrance Examination consists of an assessment of the application and portfolio of work, followed by an interview. For some programmes this will also include a a practical test. You should be able to meet both the Cross-College Requirements and individual Programme Requirements set out below.


 二、跨学院申请条件Cross-College Entrance Requirements

Entry is based on a high standard of final-year undergraduate work (as reflected in portfolio or degree classification), or on advanced work of an equivalent level. Your work must also demonstrate a maturity and readiness to undertake postgraduate studies.You must normally have obtained a good relevant undergraduate degree or an equivalent qualification. The College recognises as an equivalent qualification any degree, diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualification awarded by a university or other higher education establishment where the award is made following the successful completion of a course of at least three years’ study, the programme of study being open, as a general rule, only to persons holding a certificate awarded on the successful completion of a full course of upper secondary education. Other qualifications may be approved, providing that the Academic Board for Concessions and Discipline (ABCD) is satisfied that the applicant has the ability to pursue the programme of study successfully.The ABCD is empowered to make judgements about the extent to which qualifications or experience gained elsewhere may be accepted in partial fulfilment of its requirements.

Upon entry to any of the College’s programmes you should be able to demonstrate:

The potential to benefit from and contribute to the programme of study or research for which you are applying.

Prior knowledge and experience indicating the potential to achieve the independence necessary for postgraduate study in a specialist discipline.

Enthusiasm and aptitude to confront the issues to be addressed in preparation for a future professional career.

Applicants should normally be aged over 21 years by 1 September of the proposed year of admission.







Programme Requirements

In addition to Cross-College Requirements, you will also need to fulfill the entrance requirements of the programme to which you are applying, details of which can be found by clicking on the relevant link below. Please read the requirements carefully.




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